


Volunteers are an integral part of our school community bringing varied skills and knowledge to enhance and complement our program offerings. We are fortunate to have many volunteers from all walks of life who contribute across the college improving student outcomes.

Upper Coomera State College hosts a robust volunteer program with a dedicated Volunteer Coordinator, who matches the interests and strengths of individual volunteers with our college's areas of need. Whether you want to keep busy, have a spare day, are retired, are considering a career path in education or are seeking to re-enter the workforce and want to freshen up your skills, joining our team will be a rewarding experience.

Volunteering offers diverse opportunities allowing you to strengthen existing skills and develop new ones. Positions include, but are not limited to:

  • Reading with students
  • Helping in classrooms
  • Tutoring in class
  • Library support
  • Canteen assistance
  • Uniform shop support
  • Break-time activities
  • Fundraising initiatives like school banking, stalls, discos as part of the  Parents and Citizen's Association (P&C)
  • Administration assistance
  • Industrial Design Technology work
  • Supporting Japanese language learners
  • Special education programs
  • Assisting in the hospitality department

If you have a desire to make a difference in an educational setting please contact our Volunteer Coordinator for further details around how you can be involved.

There is something for everyone and everyone makes a difference…1 hour, 1 day at a time.

Contact details

Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer Coordinator

Phone: 0755 807 555

Volunteering_Work of Heart - single A4 (002).jpg 


Last reviewed 06 December 2019
Last updated 06 December 2019