Upper Coomera Sate College (UCSC) has a very proactive Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association who do wonderful work supporting our students. The P&C meet twice a term during the school year to discuss College matters and provide invaluable input into College decision making.
The P&C help support the College in a number of ways including, but not limited to:
- Fundraising activities including: Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day stalls, and Primary discos.
- To encourage closer cooperation between the parents, other members of the community and the staff and students of the school.
- To foster community interest in educational matters.
- To provide support for College events.
How can I be involved?
There are a number of ways our community can participate including:
- Become a P&C member
- Attend P&C meetings
- Library volunteer
- Tuckshop volunteer
- Classroom helper
We encourage you to be involved in your child or family member's education. It can be very rewarding and a lot of fun. Join our volunteer team today!! Contact
pandc@uppercoomerasc.eq.edu.au if you are interested.
P&C Executive Committee
- President - Jacinda Clarke
- Vice President - Elle Hilyard & Mel Collingburn
- Secretary - Alyce Horsnell
- Treasurer - Casey Cornish
- School Fundraising Coordinator - Mel Collingburn & Heidi Miller
- P&C Email Address - pandc@uppercoomerasc.eq.edu.au
2025 Meeting Dates
Term 1
- Monday, 17 February 2024 at 6:30pm
- Monday, 17 March 2024 - AGM at 6:00pm followed by 6:30pm meeting
Term 2 - TBA
Term 3 - TBA
Term 4 - TBA
- AGM 2025 (date to be confirmed early in Term 1, 2026)