How to talk to your children about Coronavirus
Your children have definitely heard about coronavirus, and right now they are looking to the adults in their life for guidance. Importantly, try to stay calm. And following these guidelines will help.
Top 10 Questions Answered
Student Support Information
Links and Support
Health Student Support
School Based Youth Health Nurses (SBYHN) - Supporting young people in high school communities.
If your young person is at high school and wants to chat about:
- mental health issues,
- relationships,
- sexual health advice
- or any other health issues,
SBYHN are there to listen and offer support.
See flyer for further details.
Support for families
Dear Parents/Carers,
It can be difficult to know where to go for help if you or your student needs support in these changing and unprecedented times. The following information is a snapshot of some of the services commonly used by families in our area. The options listed in red are available now for no contact counselling (online and phone support). Following are options provided for support when the current low / no social contact restrictions are no longer enforced.
Many of these options are free or low cost and prefer parents to get in touch with them directly. We hope this is helpful to you and your family. Please take care.
Online Service | Information | Contact Details |
Beyond Blue Lifeline Suicide Call back | For urgent assistance and a trained mental health professional call or chat 24 hours / 7 days a week. | 1300 22 4636 13 11 14 1300 659 467 |
Black Dog Institute Beyond Blue MindSpot Clinic 1800RESPECT | Online and phone psychological support and programs for mental health. | |
Positive Parenting Program | Help build your child's coping skills with 12 month access to the proven tips and strategies of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program. Online course FREE in QLD. | |
Relationships Australia Queensland | A leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. We aim to support all people in Australia to achieve positive and respectful relationships. | 1 300 364 277 |
eHeadspace | Free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 - 25 and their families and friends. | |
Service | Information | Contact Details |
Family and Child Connect | This is a free service aimed at helping parents through various challenges. FaCC will talk to you about your worries and concerns over the phone and connect you to the most appropriate services (which may include those listed below). Use as an information service of all local community supports available. | (07) 5508 3835 13-FAMILY |
Griffith University Clinics | | |
Social Work Clinic | A supportive counselling and case management service to assist with Mental health and general wellbeing, emotion regulation and behavioural concerns, social connections, grief and loss and referral pathways. ($10 per session) | 1800 188 295 |
Psychology Clinic | Psychology services for the local community providing comprehensive assessment and treatment, and programs for children, adolescents, couples and families. (from $20 per session) | 1800 188 295 |
Counselling and Psychological Support |
Bond University Psychology Clinic | An extensive range of assessments and interventions for a broad range of psychological and health-related problems. ($15 per session) | 07 5595 2527 |
Flourish – Child and Family Therapy | A free child and family counselling service for families who have experienced trauma or who are at risk of harm. Can help with grief and loss, mood changes, behavioural concerns, sleep difficulties, worries about schooling and family stress. | Act For Kids 07 5656 8600 31 Olsen Ave, Labrador, Qld, 4215 |
Northern Gold Coast Communities – Family Support and Counselling Service | A free service for families with children aged 0-12 Years Old. Available for families who may be isolated, in crisis or simply needing extra support and information. | (07) 5529 8087 or (07) 5580 4995 |
Paradise Kids | Providing support for children and their families suffering major illness, grief and/or loss. Can be death of a loved one, relationship breakdown (separation/divorce) or terminal illness. | 88 Allied Drive, ARUNDEL 0755746853 |
Accoras Family Mental Health Support Service | Provides free, individual outreach support for 0-18 years who are at risk of developing a mental health condition or have a diagnosed mental health condition. Sessions are conducted at the child's home or on request may be conducted at school. | (07) 5679 3300 https://www.accoras. |
Child and Youth Mental Health (Queensland Health) | This service to which parents can self-refer is for children and young people and their families on the Gold Coast experiencing severe psychological, emotional and/or behavioural problems. Initial discussion over the phone. | 1300 642 225 Robina Health Precinct 2 Campus Cres, Robina |
Ted Noffs Foundation | Helping Disadvantaged Young Australians Become Advantaged – Counselling and case management for young people aged 12 – 25 years. | 1800 753 300 |
Headspace | Wellbeing of young people is the focus of this free or low cost service at Southport. See your GP for referral. | 07 5509 5900 |
Practical Behaviour Solutions | A mobile service for families & organisations caring for someone expressing challenging behaviours aged 2.5 years and up. This service is also for individuals aged 15 and up experiencing problems as a result of an Autism Spectrum Disorder. | 1800-TANTRUM or 1800 826 878 www.practicalbehaviour |
Bulk-Billed Psychology Sessions under a Mental Health Care Plan
The most cost-effective way to access psychological services is through a referral from your doctor (GP). After consultation, you or your child may receive a 'mental health care plan.' This enables up to 10 sessions with a psychologist per calendar year. Some services may have an initial or a gap fee. The GP can provide more information about clinics in the local area.
Parent Support | | |
Northern Gold Coast Communities for Children | Each term various parenting support programs are offered free of charge: children with challenging behaviours, strategies to build resilience among children, connecting with teens, conflict resolution, mothers and daughters program, assertiveness and confidence building strategies. Book online. | (07) 5529 8087 25 Leo Graham Way, Oxenford. Bookings: http://www.youthcentre. |
Accoras Triple P Parenting | In an Accoras Triple P course, parents learn strategies for their situation, share stories with other parents and refer to the comprehensive manual provided to take home. Triple P helps parents use their skills positively in a range of situations, focusing on setting limits, guiding children positively and establishing acceptable behaviours. | (07) 5679 3300 |